Fire Department Services

Laudos técnicos
Laudos técnicos

Gás, elétrico, estrutural, populacional e controle de materiais.

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Placas de Sinalização
Placas de Sinalização

Diversas marcas e modelos.

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Extintores de Incêndio
Extintores de Incêndio

Diversas marcas e modelos.

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Saídas de Emergência
Saídas de Emergência

Barras anti-pânico e Portas Corta-fogo

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They Say

My grandma was saved in a terrible fire. She has instilled in me the belief that those who risk their lives should be thanked, even if they have not done anything to help me.

Teresa Ward
Teresa WardLos Angeles citizen

I couldn't say any word when i saw what these brave men do! I was impressed that these people don't do it for the money, they do it for the love for the profession.

Robert Hoffman
Robert HoffmanNew York citizen

Once the firefighters put down the fire in our house. I want to tell them Thank you for saving our lives and the house. I can't wait to be a firefighter when I grow up.

Arthur Garret
Arthur GarretNew York citizen

Duty. Honor. Community.
